The contents of this article are for information and educational purposes only. Patriot Propaganda does not officially recommend using any of the tactics, techniques or procedures presented.
So what do we think? Are we currently fighting a fifth-generation war without knowing it? And what’s the end result? If we soak up all of this information in these theories, can we get to an answer to the primary question, “What is going on?”
We think that the US and Canadian political and social groups in their lust for power and control have stumbled into starting a fifth-generation war. In some cases this appears to have been unintentional, due to gross incompetence and negligence; but in other cases, fifth-generation warfare tactics have been used to intentionally target opponents. We know that this fifth generation war is not perfect, and ripe with incompetence because we are talking about it in the first place.
Echoing Rene Descartes, we think that fifth-generation warfare exists, therefore it is not a perfect exemplification of it. However, there is a great danger in simply dismissing world events or domestic US and Canadian policies – particularly economic policies – due to incompetence. North American politicians and oligarchs far too often fall into the trap of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, so we the people cannot afford to overestimate our abilities, or underestimate our adversaries.
Regardless of what style of warfare is occurring, even the dreaded, indefinable and mystical fifth-generation war, humans can only really use critical thinking skills to determine the best ways of fighting this war, which is what we can try to do right now.
Every problem has a solution, and even if the solutions we’re about to present don’t exactly work, at least they’re not terrible ideas, and it might be a good way to move in the right direction. So let’s go down the list. Here’s how you win a fifth-generation war.
The first possible solution is to take care of your weapon. Remember, this war is a battle of wills more than anything else, and the attempts to psych you out and make you think and act a certain way are the main weapon against you.
In a fifth-generation war, your primary weapon is your mind. In conventional warfare, a good soldier takes care of his weapon, cleaning and lubricating it to ensure that it is ready for the fight at any moment. The same exact dedication is absolutely crucial in a fifth-generation war, when your weapon is not a rifle, but the square foot of real estate between your ears. And doing everything possible to preserve your primary weapon and ensuring that it is in tip-top shape at all times is crucial.
Gaslighting is a primary weapon in this war and you will not be able to fight back against that if you are not in the right mindset. Take the Ukraine situation for instance. Yes, it is true that the Ukrainian war is a major conflict that has already had lifelong devastating effects for the Ukrainian people and the Russian citizenry as well. But in our living rooms, the war for us is people or bots on Twitter warping reality so much that it’s not even recognizable. That’s partly why it’s so hard to get accurate updates on what’s actually going on in Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine is certainly real, with real artillery and real molotovs, but for us at home, the fifth-generation war rages on, and while we’re trying to track down Tweets, our gas prices are climbing higher, food is becoming scarce, rationing is going on all around, fertilizer shortages are making gardening more difficult, and the issues that we need to care about first on the home front take a back seat to the fifth-generation war. And that needs to stop.
We’re not saying to completely ignore everything that goes on outside your living room. The conflict in Ukraine has proven what people have apparently forgotten over the years: that a war halfway around the planet can, and usually does affect your life here at home.
So pay attention, but do not let it run your life. Do not let it become a part of your identity, and if things get crazy, remember to keep your head on straight, reassess what your priorities are, and what’s important to you. Finding ways of reducing stress, physical exercise, nutrition, finding religion, or some other form of assured moral value system, are all extremely important aspects of keeping your mental state in fighting condition.
In the same category of keeping your mind in the right place, it would be wise to re-examine other lifestyle habits. This is something that we’re actually surprised we haven’t seen a lot of people talk about. To us, this is just a natural line of thinking, but for many, this is a subject that not a lot of people want to hear, so we’re just going to come out and say it.
If someone is known to drink alcohol to excess, or consume copious amounts of narcotics, we’re not likely to want them on our team. This has nothing to do with religious, moral, or legal reasons, or even with the vulnerabilities that come with such lifestyle choices, but rather, the dedication to helping us fix problems. Yeah, sure, people can bring up their rights to consume whatever they want, and that’s fine. Obviously, we’re not speaking to those fighting addictions. There’s always room at the table for those who are fighting to make themselves a better person.
We’re really referring to those who have social addictions, or those who think that their behavior in this regard doesn’t matter, because it certainly does. And here’s why… if someone is constantly trying to alter their reality, or escape the world for some time, we’re not likely to listen to them for solutions on how to fix the world we live in, or to fight in this fifth-generation war. Their solution is to leave the world. Our solution is to try to fix it.
People can do what they want, and we don’t necessarily fault people for consuming drugs or alcohol for any number of reasons, but at the same time, we also need people on our team that do not need these things to function. We need lean, mean, and efficient warfighters. If someone is known to get plastered or high every weekend, we question their dedication to helping fix the world if they are constantly trying to escape it, no matter how popular their podcast is. A lot of people will not agree with this opinion, and that’s fine, but what is undeniable is that, if we want to fix the world, or even just a small portion of it, we have got our work cut out for us, and we cannot spare any brain cells in this endeavor. We need excellence, or at least dedication to the attempt to achieve excellence. And if you are trying to be a leader in your community, anything less will be a disappointment.
Take actions to make the tools of fifth-generation warfare irrelevant to you. If the government has the monopoly on violence, take actions to not meet that violence head-on, but make it irrelevant. Make your government deploy thousands of troops in and around the capitol, and not a single protestor or target to be seen. Let them put up their fence around the houses of the people. Let them besiege themselves, and isolate themselves from the American and Canadian people. Because last time we checked, wheat and corn is not growing anywhere inside the city limits of Washington or Ottawa.
When thinking about fifth-generation war, globalization has made it really hard to think of in terms of the regional conflict. Most fifth-generation wars will be global in nature, but if we take the slice of the pie that is the conflict here in North America, we can clearly see that things have already been weaponized against our people. The past couple of years have been a free preview of what is to come, and now that the jig is up, it would be wise to look back and remember what the architects of the fifth-generation war that took place here did to our people.
Energy, food, employment, right to travel inside and outside of the country, access to medical care, the right to raise and care for your own child, the intentional lack of policing in certain areas, access to defensive tools, and countless other tactics have been used against our people over the past two years. Sure, we can define this as tyranny or totalitarianism, and that would be accurate, but what would also be accurate is defining these events as tactics in a fifth-generation war that is using tyranny and totalitarianism in order to win.
Prepping in this scenario is good because it allows you to have capabilities when others don’t. If and when your local government tells you that they will shut off your power and water supply because you disagreed with them, if you are prepared, you will be able to say right back to them, bring it on. By preparing, you are reducing the power that others have over you.
Next, raise your children to have good values, and not the values that the state wants them to have. We keep harping on this one because it’s so important.
In the field of warfare, we all know the importance of seizing the high ground. But what about the human terrain? Clearly, the world elites have identified your children as key terrain. And they are doing everything they can to take them from you on an ideological and sometimes physical level. This was a huge personal realization over the past year or so.
Looking back over the years, it’s not really that hard to see how things work when it comes to most federal agencies, especially when it comes to who they persecute. But, what has been quite surprising is the level at which parents have been persecuted at school board meetings. That hammer coming down with such ferocity has been crazy. The government hasn’t been so dedicated to anything else in recent years – with the exception of medical tyranny, of course. But man, watching federal agencies go crazy over this and persecute parents this much is suspicious.
Why is the FBI using the Patriot Act against this particular target? They could have gone after anybody else, like the pro-Second Amendment lobby, or the pro-Trump crowd, or the anti-Biden crowd. Why go after this target so hard? The FBI pulling out all the stops and publicly using every asset at their disposal to target parents at school board meetings is very suspicious. Why do federal agencies care so much? Well, because they realize that if we take back our children from the control and/or influence of the state, we will have the upper hand when those children grow up.
But again, there was a pattern to this. Remember how many children informed on their parents to the FBI that they were at the rally on January 6? Children, even young children, turning against their parents should have been a wake up call as to the extent of brainwashing, for lack of a better term, that is occurring in public schools. And unfortunately, there is no reason to believe that this brainwashing will not continue into the future.
Now we know what a lot of you are thinking… this is a garbage solution. This is a big decision, and it is really difficult to take your kids out of school, not because it’s particularly hard to teach children, but because a lot of times, both parents or caretakers have to work full-time jobs just to pay the rent. And single parents are infinitely challenged in the same way as well, so deciding to take your kids out of school is not a decision that is quick or easy. This is a long-term strategic decision. However, if you want our recommendation, here it is. If you’re on the fence, or even remotely have the capability to take your kids out of public school, we would seriously recommend it at this point.
Of course, decisions must be balanced, and if a child is better off in the care of the state than with their parents, nothing is more unfortunate, but that’s the way it is in a lot of cases. However, we would argue that at this point, there are very, very few children in our countries that are benefiting from their public school education, and most of those benefits are not related to education.
If nothing else, recognizing this keeps us honest. We can point the finger at everyone else, but if we put our own kids in situations that we would not put ourselves in, that’s hypocritical. After all, this is a war of ideas, and narratives, and in this war, your child’s mind is absolutely a major front line.
Grow your community. We mentioned prepping earlier, but prepping goes a lot further than just stockpiling goods. You need to create networks of people. This is obviously more difficult. You can’t go to a store and buy these kinds of preps. You can’t order a friend off of Amazon. This is not easy, or even possible for some people. Even for us personally, we live in areas in which associating with our local neighbors is just not an option. Most of our immediate neighbors are openly hostile toward anyone who is not part of their social or racial group. Being in this situation ourselves, we recognize that others are probably in a similar boat as well.
It would be nice if we could all wave at our neighbors and make acquaintances, and eventually develop friendships with people that we share our geography with. And for the people that can do that, you guys are lucky, but unfortunately, that is not the case for a lot of people. And with the economy the way it is, with people getting fired or discharged left and right for political reasons, the solution of just move to a new location is more difficult now than ever before. And if you live in an inhospitable area like we do – an area where waving to your neighbor might get you stabbed, helping us to develop technological solutions to create longer distance networks is a good idea, if developing local networks is not an option.
There is an old saying that you go to war with the army that you have, not the army you want. And though this has been used in a military context as justification to send the US and Canadian Armed Forces to war without armored vehicles, the mentality is quite true.
We have known for some time that, when a disaster strikes, the networks you already have in place are the only ones that will be of any use. You can’t really make friends with people during a riot, or when your entire neighborhood is looting.
Competent, robust networks of people working together for their common good and defense, cannot be manufactured during, or after a crisis – only before. And when a crisis is not a temporary event, but rather a long, fifth-generation war raging throughout society, this dedication to setting up networks now becomes even more important.
Create white space between yourselves and adversaries. In the context of warfare, the term “white space” can mean many things. But in this context, white space is terrain, usually a geographic area, in which the enemy has to cross over before they can get to you.
To illustrate this, let’s look at a castle. Now, a castle is what we typically think of when we think of a fortress. A heavily defended piece of terrain that is very difficult to traverse. Even today, if you were to go to Europe and walk around the grounds of most castle and fortresses, you would notice just how difficult it is to get inside from the outside. That’s what castles were designed to do. To slow down an enemy advance by making it very difficult to actually get inside.
In short, if there was a bad guy trying to get to you and he was outside the castle walls, and you were buttoned up inside, it would take some time for that adversary to get to you. And even if they do get inside the walls, most fortifications are what we call “defenses in depth,” meaning there are usually inner walls, additional fortifications, firing positions – you name it – just in case.
Now think about your average house in North America. In this example, a would-be assailant could stand on the sidewalk all day long, perfectly legally in most areas, and when they decide to strike, the only barriers in their way are maybe a fence and front door. Once they breach that front door, they have access to the entirety of the house.
So in our analogy, the castle has lots of white space, lots of terrain or obstacles that an adversary has to traverse before they can actually do anything to you. And a normal residential house doesn’t have very much white space at all. Now we use this somewhat left-field analogy, not to make the point that you need to physically fortify your home, though that wouldn’t be a bad idea. The point is that creating white space applies to the information space as well, and this takes the form of privacy – not giving your real name to the coffee shop employee, or maybe not letting someone know your opinions on certain issues until you get to know them really well. These are great ways to increase your privacy, and therefore increase the white space in the information space about yourself.
In other words, the more information that another person knows about you, the more potential avenues of approach they have if they wanted to target you. A lot of people found this out over the past couple of years of cancel culture and political targeting; thus, the popularity of the grey man lifestyle. However, a lot of people get carried away with this and go overboard, being so grey that they stand out like a sore thumb. The goal is not to shut yourself off from the world, or society, or your friends or co-workers. The goal is simply to make better decisions, and when presented with a choice, choosing the option that affords the most privacy allows for the most options later.
And really, this information white space idea is best explained with the next solution.
Communications. Decreasing reliance on internet or cellular-based communication is a great way to both decrease your vulnerabilities in the information space, but also grow your community like we mentioned before. Not all of us can be programmers or ethical hackers, and for this author, personally, it would take far too much time for me to learn the skills needed to safely communicate secret information using any internet-based means. Of course, this doesn’t mean shutting off all internet-based communication. That cannot reliably be done in society anymore for most things; however, if I need to communicate something confidential with someone else, I will be doing it face-to-face, or via very select and specific encrypted radio options.
This is not easy, and a lot of people will find this impractical. Most people will. But we here think that any possible way that we can get away from using smartphones for communication over the internet or a cellular network is worth it. Even if it’s really inconvenient; options like Meshtastic or hand-held radios, as daily routine communications devices. We know this sounds a bit archaic, being so concerned about this “internet” thing the kids are using these days, but we’ve got to remember, the internet isn’t anything more than data going through servers. There is no such thing as “the cloud” (lol); it’s just your data on someone else’s computer.
And remember: smartphones are the most dense collection of intelligence collection sensors the world has ever seen, so taking steps to change that behavior, no matter how convenient, is worth a shot – especially in a fifth-generation war.
The Ukrainian military is finding out just how deadly smartphones are right now. Their use in warfare has already proven to be a HUGE vulnerability for those who do not understand the risks, and though right now we in North America don’t really have to worry about a hypersonic cruise missile slamming into our bedroom because we posted a geotagged photo on Facebook, in the war of information, there has been no tool so devastatingly effective against the people of North America than the smartphone.
In years past, the conversation of alternative communications has come up. Usually in the context of a natural disaster. The question has been, how do we communicate when the cell towers are temporarily down, or the power is out for a few days? And in years past, that question was valid. But now, in 2022, the question becomes a little bit more complex. The question looks something like:
How can we communicate when malign actors launch cyberattacks against our communications infrastructure on a daily basis, all the while powerful companies and governmental agencies are using existing communications infrastructures to gather information, which will be used to target us in a world in which the concepts of justice, the rule of law, civil liberties, and human rights only apply at large to certain social groups at certain times when it benefits certain oligarchs and politicians?
Quite a mouthful, but that’s the complex nature of what we’re dealing with when it comes to communications these days.
Do I like sending text messages to contacts in the local area with Meshtastic? Not particularly … it requires a bit more effort than just sending a text. Do I enjoy carrying around a handheld radio every day? Not really … it’s just another thing to carry, and not used as much as a smartphone, because so few people I talk to on a daily basis use radios as well. But integrating these systems into everyday life is important. Not just to test these systems out and develop familiarity with your equipment, but because of the mentality that it requires.
We know that a lot of people are not going to like the conclusions that we have to present here. Particularly the captains and majors who are reading this, thinking that we were going to merely talk about ideas that can safely be talked about in the classroom, or around the S3/G3 shop. After all, merely suggesting the US and Canadian governments might do something wrong is completely forbidden in all military education at all levels.
And that’s a problem, because anybody who researches fifth-generation warfare without even considering this, especially in the context of a fifth-generation war, is ignoring the gigantic elephant in the room.
Every single book you could read on this topic dances carefully around any criticism of our governments and has conveniently ignored any possibility that our governments might be using these tactics on their own people to achieve their goals of power, control, or influence, either domestically or internationally.
Most academics will freely talk about Russia or China doing this to their populations, but never the United States or Canada, which we completely understand. No academic would ever work for these governments again if they published research that suggests that a critical part of a global fifth-generation war would be the United States or Canada using some of these tactics on their own citizenry – even if that is exactly what the evidence suggests.
In a war of ideas and narratives, we have to talk about these things in the open. So, for the military leadership reading this, please do not dismiss these ideas as simply an anti-government rant, but rather a challenging way to think about the nature of modern warfare. Thinking about the nature of 5GW and all of its seemingly supernatural characteristics is not subverting the state or betraying your oath or anything like that, despite what Lloyd Austin’s or Anita Anand’s PowerPoints tell you.
Thinking makes you a better leader, even if that critical thinking makes you question who your adversaries really are. And the interesting part is that a lot of service members have been thinking about fifth-generation warfare all along without realizing it. Especially after the past couple of years of sheer abuse from top Pentagon and DND officials in the form of alienation, medical mandates, illegal orders, blatant and open lies, and the persecution of things as small as what a soldier likes on Facebook.
There’s a lot of soul searching going on right now in our departments of defense. A lot of people really are reading that oath they swore and feeling the effects of what happens when their superiors act dishonorably and betray their oaths. That is what a fifth-generation war looks like. I myself think that everything that has happened within the defense department – all the bad stuff over the past couple of years, from fitness standards to medical mandates – all of that is attributable to a symptom of a fifth-generation war raging on. A fifth-generation war that results in many cases with the American and Canadian people being labelled as an adversary. And it is because of this – this comparatively small aspect of this much larger conflict that we focus on certain things and view this fifth-generation war through the lens of “helping the people as much as we can.”
Hopefully this explains some of the perceived animosity that we have expressed towards our governments lately. It’s simply a natural conclusion to come to when researching fifth-generation warfare. It’s not something that is present due to a political ideology or anything like that, it’s just a natural progression in the process of critical thinking.
And if you disagree on that front, that’s fine. And if you’re a military service member who is disappointed with some of these conclusions, that’s fine, too. Remember, we’re trying to view things from the lens of civilian life, and fifth-generation warfare blurs the lines between civilian and military cultures like no other generation before it. And ignoring an idea because it makes your boss mad is not the mark of a good leader, even if that is exactly what military career progression has been for decades. So with these reassurances given, let’s end on a high note!
Fifth-generation war is a daunting form of warfare, but despite its somewhat mystical characteristics, it’s not a war that we are doomed to lose. On the contrary, a fifth-generation war is easier to fight than one might think. More complex to be sure, as it requires a complete rewiring of the way we think about warfare, but at the end of the day, fighting a fifth-generation war could be as simple as turning off the TV, putting down the smartphone, and going out to play in the yard with your kid.
As we’ve been saying for a long time, we’re in this for the long haul, and whether or not you want to call this struggle a fifth-generation war or something else, the fact is we have our work cut out for us, and if we are successful in not letting ourselves be defeated by it, we will have achieved something quite special. So let’s get out there, make good decisions, keep our heads on right, and continue to do good things.
Never despair, dear patriot. We have lots of creative, practical solutions coming your way. Some of them will be artsy fartsy, and we think you’ll enjoy what we have to share. So read on, whenever you manage to get some white space.
Adapted from a lecture by S2 Underground. “5th Generation Warfare: History, Modern Context, and (Some) Solutions.”
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